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Meet Your Germantown Experienced Carpet Cleaners

Discover exceptional carpet care services designed with your home in mind. Crown Carpet Care stands out in Germantown, MD as the premier choice for professional carpet cleaners. Our team is dedicated to refreshing your carpets with care and precision. Driven by our commitment to quality, we use the latest cleaning techniques to ensure the best results. Homeowners trust us to enhance the comfort and beauty of their living spaces. Find cleaner and healthier carpets with us today!

man cleaning carpet

Our Legacy of Excellence

Since 1985, Crown Carpet Care has been a family-owned business founded by John Paran, a seasoned expert in the carpet and upholstery industry. With roots in the late 1970s, John became a certified cleaning technician fueled by a passion for delivering exceptional service. Wanting to give every carpet the royal treatment it deserves, John set forth on his business journey. Our legacy lives on as we continue to uphold his standards of excellence and care in every home.

man cleaning area rugs

Certified Experts and Trusted Industry Leaders

Crown Carpet Caredistinguishes itself with unparalleled standards in the carpet cleaning industry. We are committed to delivering exceptional service, all backed by more than 35 of professional experience combined with a skilled and motivated team. We also hold certification from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration, assuring you of our professionalism and expertise. Finally, we are proud recipients of the Consumers’ Checkbook award, receiving three checks for quality, price of cleaning, and price for rug cleaning. Only a few local businesses have earned three checks from Consumers’ Checkbook, and we are proud to be one of them.

Checkbook Logo

Experience Unmatched Carpet Care Today!

Create a welcoming home ambiance when you schedule a carpet cleaning with Crown Carpet Care. Our trusted team in Germantown, MD is ready to provide unrivaled service that refreshes and revitalizes your living space. With decades of experience and certificates to prove our quality of work, we ensure your carpets receive the royal care they deserve. Experience the difference our eco-friendly, powerful cleaning solutions can make. Prioritize your home’s comfort and health by choosing carpet care experts who treat you like family. Reach out to receive your free estimate and take another step closer to a cleaner, cozier tomorrow.

Request Your Free Estimate Today